Small Hydroelectric Plants in Brazil. Legislation, conflicts, and impacts (in Portuguese)

Ednilson Gomes and Simonne Texeira (Eds.), Small Hydroelectric Plants in Brazil. Legislation, conflicts, and impacts [in Portuguese], Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, and Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Darcy Ribeiro State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro (UENF) Press, and WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network, 2023. ISBN: 978-65-87726-39-71.DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10355194.
This book is the result of activities carried out by members of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network and invited specialists from diferente regions of Brazil, including The Amazon. These activities and the book are a product of the Network’s Thematic Area 2, Water and Megaprojects.

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