WATERLAT-GOBACIT VI International Meeting: “Water, violence and utopias in Latin America and the Caribbean. What are the priorities for egalitarian water politics?”
University of Caldas, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia, 27-31 October 2014
Download the Programme (in Spanish)
The VI Meeting of the Network published a Declaration with a number of statements of support and allegations about events discussed in depth during the proceedings. These include:
1) Final Declaration of the Plenary of the VI International Meeting of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network “Water, violence and utopias in Latin America and the Caribbean. What are the priorities for egalitarian water politics?” (in Spanish)
2) Strategic Decisions
The WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network and the Public Services International (PSI) agreed to establish a strategic alliance to strengthen their capacities to confront the threats against the democratization of water politics and management. Especially, we seek to strengthen the interaction between academics, workers organizations, public sector institutions, social movements of urban, peasant, and indigenous groups, and civil society groups more generally. Our alliance will focus mainly on research, education, and practical intervention in the field of essential water and sanitation services, including their ecological-environmental dimension.
See here a statement by the PSI about the alliance.
3) Main priorities identified in the VI International Meeting for the development of egalitarian water politics
4) Declaration in support of the defence of water as a common good, a public good, and a human right in Colombia.
5) Declaration of solidarity with the Mexican people for the death and disappearance of students in Iguala Municipality, Guerrero.
6) Statement on the water problems affecting Jalisco, Mexico: El Zapotillo. Impact on water cycles and violation of human rights *
7) Statement about the water crisis affecting the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Region, other cities served by the Sao Paulo Basic Sanitation Company (SABESP), and other areas supplied from the same water sources, in Brazil.
Access here the whole text of the Final Statement.
See here the publication of this statement in the Mexican newspaper Milenio on 12 November 2014. The publication was supported by the following organizations:
Amigos de la Barranca, A.C., Amigos del Lago, Asociación de Abogados A.C., Asociación de Alumnos de la Universidad de Guadalajara sede San Juan de los Lagos, Asociación de Arquitectos e Ingenieros A.C., Asociación de Hoteles y Moteles A.C., Asociación Ganadera Local de Jalostotitlán, Asociación Ganadera Local de San Juan de los Lagos, Cámara de Comercio y Servicios Turísticos de San Juan de los Lagos, Centro de Investigación y Formación Social (CIFS-ITESO), Ciudadanos por el Medio Ambiente, Colegio de Médicos del Estado de Jalisco A.C., Comité Ciudadano Pro Defensa Ambiental del Salto, Comité Pro Defensa de Arcediano, A.C., Consejo Regional para el Desarrollo Sustentable (CONREDES) A.C., Coordinadora 28 de Mayo, Deseos del Corazón A.C., Foro Ganadero de Jalisco, Fundación Cuenca Lerma Chapala-Santiago, A. C., Instituto Mexicano para el Desarrollo Comunitario, A. C. (IMDEC), Parlamento de Colonias de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, A.C., Red WaterLat Gobacit, San Juanenses Unidos por el bien de todos A.C., Siempre Puedes Ayudar A.C., Silvicultores de los Altos, A.C., Tierra Viva A.C., Unidos x San Juan, Unión Regional de Porcicultores de Jalisco (URPJ), Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (Univa), VIDA, A.C.
Interview (in Spanish) with José Esteban Castro, Radio Caldas FM, Programme Civism in Action by the Society for Public Improvements of Manizales, 29 October 2014.
Listen here to a Podcast from our local team in Manizales (in Spanish)
Watch here a clip from our local team in Manizales (in Spanish)
Pictures gallery from the VI Annual Meeting:
The meeting supported the Blue October Campaign against the control and commodification of water by private corporations.
You can contact our Secretary to request information about the meeting.