18 de agosto de 2017
Venue: Joaquim Nabuco Foundation (Fundaj), Sala Calouste Gulbenkian, Av. 17 de Agosto, 2187, Campus Gilberto Freyre, Casa Forte, Recife/PE, Brazil
The event was part of the preparatory activities of the IX International Meeting of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network, that will take place on 3-7 September 2018, in João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. The main objective was to discuss the obstacles, challenges and opportunities confronting the process of democratization of water politics and management, which despite being predominantly casted as a fundamentally technical matter, owing to their enormous complexity require approaches able to integrate a diversity of knowledges. Also, there exists a challenge to develop more advanced interdisciplinary approaches, that may allow the integration of contributions from the techno-scientific, natural and social disciplines. Moreover, it is also needed to integrate valid knowledges that are produced in other areas beyond the universities and centres of scientific research, from departments in charge of the management of water and water-based services to the institutions of civil society that participate in the construction of alternatives to the forms of politics and management that prevail in relation to water and environmental goods more generally.
In this regard, the event provided a space for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and debate about these themes, with the objective of promoting interactions between the participants that may stimulate the development of research and academic exchange projects, and other constructive and propositive activities connected with our central theme, the democratization of water politics and management.
Photo gallery of the event:
09:00h | Opening Session Edilene Barbosa Pinto, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation (FUNDAJ), Sinval Pinto Brandão Filho, Research Centre Aggeu Magalhães (CPqAM), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) Pernambuco, Suzana Maria Gico Lima Montenegro, Federal University of Pernambuco, Jose Esteban Castro, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina |
09:30h | Presentation by Jose Esteban Castro – Network Coordinator Principal Researcher, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), Argentina, and Emeritus Professor, Newcastle University, United Kingdom Coordination: Ligia Albuquerque, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation |
11:00h |
Session of dialogue on the challenges and priorities for water politics and management in the Northeast of Brazil Coordination: Izaura Fischer, Joaquim Nabuco Foundation
12:00h | Debate |
Presentation in pdf format:
- Joaquim Nabuco Foundation – FUNDAJ
- Research Centre Aggeu Magalhães – CPqAM, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation – FIOCRUZ, Pernambuco
- Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE
- Post-graduate Programme on Development and Environment (PRODEMA), Federal University of Paraíba- UFPB
- State University of Paraíba – UEPB
- Federal University of Campina Grande – UFCG, Paraiba
- Centre for Sustainable Development of the Semi-arid Region– CDSA, Federal University of Campina Grande – UFCG, Campus Sume, Paraiba
- National Institute of the Semi-arid – INSA
- Rural Federal University of Pernambuco – UFRPE
- Catholic University of Pernambuco – UNICAP
- Post-graduate Programme on Development and Environment (PRODEMA), Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE
- Professional Networked Master National Programme on Management and Regulation of Water Resources – ProfÁgua, Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE
- Águascapes Project – Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE
- State University of Pernambuco – UPE, Campus Nazaré da Mata
- Polytechnical School of Pernambuco – Poli/UPE
- Federal Institute of Pernambuco – IFPE, Campus Recife
- Brazilian Association of Water Resources – ABRH
- Brazilian Association of Groundwater – ABAS
- Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering – ABES-Pernambuco
- National Water Youth Parliament – PNJA
- Articulation of the Brazilian Semi-arid Region – ASA-Brazil and ASA-Pernambuco
- National Observatory of Water Governance – OGA
- Northeastern Waters Association – ANE, Pernambuco’s representative of OGA
- Federation of Organizations for Social and Educational Assistence – FASE
- Pernambuco’s Union of Urban Water and Sanitation Workers – SINDURB
- Pernambuco’s Water and Climate Agency – APAC
- Superintendence of Development in the Northeast – SUDENE
- Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability – SEMAS, Government of Pernambuco
- Secretariat of Sustainable Development and Environment – SDSMA, Municipality of Recife