TA6 – Themes

Thematic Area 6 “Hydrosocial Basins, Territories, and Spaces” (TA6) is an interdisciplinary space for discussion and knowledge production that brings together several lines of research, teaching, and academic engagement and dissemination. It focused on water as the life-supporting element of populations and ecosystems, in spaces where a diversity of productive activities take place subject to far-reaching transformation processes in the social, economic, cultural and technical spheres.


Featured topics covered by TA6 members:

  • Artisanal fishing and riverine communities in Latin America.
  • Underground water
  • Social actors, water, power, and territory.
  • Local ecological knowledge in environmental management.
  • Activism and environmental education around the defence of water landscapes.
  • Environmental justice in water management.
  • Processes of landscape elitization.

Note: This list is based on active studies. It does not exclude other themes relevant to TA6 that could be added through the incorporation of new members or development of new lines of research.

Relation between these topics and the Network’s objectives y and research priorities

Our work in TA6 aims to contribute towards the following objectives of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network: to promote the theoretical and methodological debate in relation to water research from a critical and transdisciplinary perspective; to collaborate in the consolidation of an international research collective dedicated to the study of the essential conditions and elements to achieve the development of sustainable and democratic participate water management practices; to dedicate efforts to optimize at the local level the development objectives, and socio-environmental justice in different contexts of human and community development. Summing up, we are interested in water themes that involve relations and processes in the socio-political, cultural, economic-financial, political-institutional, and socio-spatial dimensions, and how these are interrelated with health, ecology and justice, from a critical perspective.

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