ISSN: (Print) 2056-4856 ISSN: (Online) 2056-4864

Vol. 8, No. 3
September 2021 Ednilson Gomes e Simonne Teixeira (Editors) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7292266Public Participation in environmental impact assessments. Experiences from Brazil (in Portuguese)
Export CiteArticles
“We are the movement”: community organization in the struggle for access to water and sanitation services in the Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil pp. 5-26 (in Portuguese)
Sandra Rangel de Souza Miscali, Rachel Carvalho, Isroberta Rosa Araujo, Fernanda dos Santos Oliveira Souza and Natalia dos Santos Silveira
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Occlusions and opacities in the environmental licensing of the Tabajara hydroelectric plant, State of Rondonia, Brazil: a socio-economic analysis pp. 27-56 (in Portuguese)
Neiva Araujo, Luis Fernando Novoa Garzon, Evandro Mateus Moretto, Alisson Flávio Barbieri and Silvia Sayuri Mandai
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The invisibility of fishing in the Machado River, in the Tabajara hydroenergy plant environment licensing process, State of Rondonia, Brazil pp.57-78 (in Portuguese)
Carolina Rodrigues da Costa Doria and Igor Rechetnicow Alves Sant’Anna
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A conceptual approach to public participation in the environmental licensing of small hydroelectric plants: state of the art of research on the topic carried out in Brazilian postgraduate programmes(2004-2018) pp. 79-100 (in Portuguese)
Ednilson Gomes de Souza Junior
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Social participation in the processes of installation of hydroelectric power plants in the Paraguay River Hydrographic Region in Brazil: advances and contradictions pp. 101-134 (in Portuguese)
Daniela Maimoni de Figueiredo, Debora Fernandes Calheiros, Clovis Vailant, Ingrid Leite de Oliveira, Sandro de Oliveira Pains, Letícia Auxiliadora da Silva Dionel and Solange Kimie Ikeda-Castrillon
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