The WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network signed a Cooperation Agreement on matters of common interest with the Public Services International (PSI), a global union federation of workers in public services with members in over 150 countries. The Agreement was signed by Rosa Pavanelli, General Secretary of the PSI, and Jose Esteban Castro, Coordinator of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network, during the 11th PSI Inter-American Regional Conference (IAMRECON) that took place in Mexico City on 20 April 2015. It was confirmed at the 12th PSI IAMRECON in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, on 24 June 2019.
Signature of the Extension of the Cooperation Agreement
Watch here the video
Signature of the original Cooperation Agreement in April 2015
Text of the Cooperation Agreement
The Public Services International (PSI) and the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network agree to cooperate in the development of research projects, teaching and training, publications, organization of events, and other activities of mutual interest connected with the politics and management of water and essential water and sanitation services. We have identified several thematic areas and problems of mutual interest where we want to consolidate and deepen the relationship between our institutions through concrete activities.
- The democratization of water politics and management in all aspects.
- The struggles against the politics of commodification and privatization of water resources and essential water and sanitation services.
- The challenge of developing an ethic of defence of public and common goods within public service utilities, labour unions, community urban and rural water boards, cooperatives, and other relevant organizations in the field of essential water services.
- The development of alternatives to the prevailing policies that seek to maintain and deepen a development model that privileges economic growth and private capital accumulation at the expense of the destruction of the material bases of societies and the dispossession of human communities of their territories, lands, waters, and living conditions.
- The formulation and implementation of public policies oriented by the ideals of equality, solidarity and social inclusion in the Politics and management of water and services that are essential for life, such as the universalization of access to basic water and sanitation services of adequate quality and affordable.
- The struggle to protect the wide range of social actors, members of peasant, indigenous and Afro-American communities, labour unionists, environmental activists, academics, journalists, and others who face threatening conditions affecting their physical wellbeing as a result of their political positions in defence of public and common goods, human rights, and the protection of water sources that constitute the basis of life
This is an area of strategic activity for the relationship between the PSI and the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network, as we consider that the production of knowledge constitutes the basis for effective action in the areas of common interest that have been identified. We aim to:
- Jointly seek sources of finance for research projects in the thematic areas and on the problems of common interest
- Build stable research teams in association with the academic institutions that are members of the Network
- Develop an agenda of research priorities focused on the thematic areas and the problems of common interest, with clear objectives and well defined targets
- Develop a publications strategy oriented at influencing diverse publics, adapting the message and the format of the publications to this purpose. Among other vehicles we propose
o Keep developing the joint publication of special issues of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Working Papers.
o Policy Briefs
o Press Reports
o Public statements
- Develop an additional strategy for dissemination and engagement of social actors that will include
o The use of the websites and other online media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) of both institutions
o The use of multimedia platforms (video, photography, etc.) through existing infrastructure (e.g. the Network’s Youtube channel and Flickr photostream, Instagram. etc.)
- Keep organizing joint events, such as the Public Conversations that form part of the International Meetings of the WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network.
- Joint organization of events or joint participation in external events (eg. congresses, forums, etc.), for dissemination and debate.
These activities are strategic, a complement of the research activities, and will include:
- Consolidation of the Specialization Course in “Politics and management of water and basic water and sanitation services”.
- Keeping the joint search for funding to develop postgraduate training at different levels, including masters, PhDs, and specializations, promoting both academic and professional training.
- Consolidating the teams of students developing master and PhD projects on topics covered in the Agreement.
- Bringing together research and teaching programmes with activities relevant to labour unions represented by the PSI, among other.