2015 Short Video Competition

First Prize

Atuel, la memoria del agua [Atuel River, the Memory of Water] (adapted), by Valeria Tochi and Fernando Carrillo, Argentina, 2014. Documentary (in Spanish).


Interview with Valeria Tochi at the VII Annual Meeting of the Network in Guadalajara, Mexico, 21 October 2015.

Full list of participating candidates

All participating videos can be accessed in the 2015 Short-video Competition Playlist


Atuel River, the Memory of Water (in Spanish), by Valeria Tochi and Fernando Carrillo, Argentina, 2014.

Between realities (in Portuguese), by Bianca Mariano da Silva, Brazil, 2015.

Are disasters natural? (in Portuguese), by Norma Valencio, Raquel Duarte Venturato, Juliana Sartori, Samira Younes Ibrahim, Layla Stassun Antonio, Tiago Eugenio dos Santos, Glauco Fernandes, Brazil, 2015.

The rights of water (in Portuguese), by José Leonardo Homem de Mello Gâmbera, Brasil, 2015.

Arte en Cauce 2012-2014 (in Spanish), by Fundacion HBG, Colombia, 2015.

The saint of burning waters (in Portuguese), by Riccardo Migliore, Santo da Terra, and Herbert Andrade, Brasil, 2014.

Water and gold grains (in Portuguese), by Ursula Balderson, United Kingdom-Peru, 2015.


Visit here the 2015 Evaluation Commission and Competition Rules web page


For more details or to ask for clarification please send an e-mail to WATERLAT-GOBACIT Network’s Secretariat.