Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Rutgerd Boelens, “Cultural Politics and the Hydrosocial Cycle: Water, Power and Identity in the Andean Highlands”, Geoforum, 2013,

Rutgerd Boelens, “Luchas y Defensas Escondidas. Pluralismo Legal y Cultural como una Práctica de Resistencia Activa y Creativa en la Gestión Local del Agua en los Andes” (Hidden struggles and defence. Legal and cultural pluralism as a practice of active and creative resistance in local water management in the Andes), Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 2011, 68(2):673-703, downloadable here.

Verónica Caceres, “La provisión de agua potable en la periferia del AMBA, Argentina” (The provision of drinking water in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area’s periphery), Revista Gestión y Ambiente (ISSN: 0124-177X), 2013, Vol. 16 (3), Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Instituto de Estudios Ambientales-IDEA, Sede Bogotá, pp  25-37.

Verónica Caceres, “La regulación del agua potable y saneamiento domiciliario en la provincia de Buenos Aires: un accionar discriminatorio del Estado” (The regulation of domestic water and sanitation in Buenos Aires: a case of State discrimination), Realidad Económica (ISSN: 0325-1926), 2013, Nº 274 Marzo-Abril, Buenos Aires.

José Esteban Castro, “Water is not (yet) a commodity: Commodification and rationalization revisited”, Human Figurations. Long-term Perspectives on the Human Condition, 2013, 2(1), downloadable here.

Uende A. F. Gomes, Léo Heller, and João L. Pena, “A national program for large scale rainwater harvesting: an Individual or public responsibility?”, Water Resources Management, 2012, 26(9), pp. 2703–2714.

Alex Latta and Beatriz Cid, “Testing the limits: neoliberal ecologies from Pinochet to Bachelet”, Latin American Perspectives, 2012, 39(4).

Pasha B Marcynuk, James A Flint, Jan M Sargeant, Andria Jones-Bitton, Ana M Brito, Carlos F Luna, Elizabeth Szilassy, M Kate Thomas, Tiago M Lapa, Enrique Perez, and André Monteiro Costa, “Comparison of the burden of diarrhoeal illness among individuals with and without household cisterns in northeast Brazil”, BMC Infectious Diseases, 2013, 13:65. Downloadable here.

Juan Manuel Matés, “Las sociedades anónimas de abastecimiento de agua potable en España (1840-1960)” (The corporate potable water suppliers in Spain (1840-1960)), Revista de la Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa, 2009, 3, pp. 177-218.

Juan Manuel Matés, “Le aziende di approvvigionamento d’acqua potabile nelle città e regioni spagnole, 1840-1970” (The corporate potable water suppliers in Spain (1840-1970)), Storia Urbana, 2008,119, pp. 49-74. ISSN 0391-2248. Downloadable here.

Jesús Raúl Navarro García “Salud y paisaje: contribución desde el termalismo a la revitalización de zonas rurales (el caso de Pozo Amargo, Cuenca del Guadaíra)” (Health and landscape: a contribution from termal development to the renewal of rural lands (the case of Pozo Amargo, Cuenca Del Guadaira, España), Vária Historia, 2011, Vol. 27(46), pp. 557-580. Downloadable here.

Esther Padilla Calderón, “La construcción social de la escasez de agua. Una perspectiva teórica anclada en la construcción territorial” (The social construction of water scarcity. A theoretical perspective grounded on the construction of territories), Región y Sociedad, 2012, Special Issue 3, pp. 91-116. Downloadable here.

Esther Padilla Calderón, “Los campesinos ‘fabriqueños’ de Los Ángeles, Sonora, y su lucha por el agua en un contexto de aridez, 1938-1955” (The ‘fabriqueños’ peasants of Los Ángeles, Sonora, and their struggle for water in a context of aridity, 1938-1955), Secuencia, 2011, (79), pp. 39-59. Downloadable here.

Lia Giraldo da Silva Augusto, Idê Gomes Dantas Gurgel; Henrique Fernandes Câmara Neto, Carlos Henrique de Melo, and André Monteiro Costa, “O contexto global e nacional frente aos desafios do acesso adequado à água para consumo humano” [The global and national context regarding the challenges involved in ensuring adequate access to water for human consumption], Ciência e Saúde Coletiva (ISSN 1413-8123), Vol.17(6), pp. 1511-1522. Downloadable here.

Mariela Verónica Rocca (2011) “De la concesión a la reestatización: el rol del Sindicato de Gran Buenos Aires de Trabajadores de Obras Sanitarias (1993 – 2010)” (From concession to re-statization: the role of the Sanitary Works of Great Buenos Aires Workers’ Union ), Realidad Económica, 2011, N° 262, pp. 107-130.

Erik Swyngedouw, Maria Kaika, and José Esteban Castro, “Urban water: a political-ecology perspective”, Built Environment (ISSN 0263-7960), 2002, Vol. 28(2), pp. 124-137. A pre-publication version can be dowloaded here.

Norma Valencio, “Natural disasters as a symptom of a diputable development: considerations on the Brazilian institutional vulnerability”, Terrae, 2010, Vol. 7(1), pp.14-21.

Norma Valencio, “A disputa pelas águas no Brasil: para além da ideologia da governança” (Disputes over water in Brazil: beyond the governance ideology), Cronos, 2009, Vol. 10, pp. 57-76. Downloadable here.