ISSN: (Print) 2056-4856 ISSN: (Online) 2056-4864

Vol. 9, No. 1
March 2022 Jose Esteban Castro (Editor) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7821697Art, Communication, Culture, and Education as tools for democratizing water Politics and management in Latin America (in Portuguese, and Spanish)
Export CiteArticles
Riverine environments of the Paraguay-Parana Waterway in the Lower Parana River, Argentina. pp.5-29 (in Spanish)
Carolina Mori, Cecilia Reeves and Laura Prol
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“A river born to run must not be stopped…” Social opposition and ecologist organizations in the provinces of Santa Fe and Entre Rios against the Middle Parana River Dam, Argentina (1996-1997) pp.30-57 (in Spanish)
Gisela Ariana Rausch
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Arai and the Capybara. Children’s radio drama about the Lower Parana River wetlands, Argentina. pp.58-89 (in Spanish)
Florencia Ruiz Ferretti
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Values, histories, cultures, and traditional knowledges related to the waters of the Sao Francisco River Basin, Brasil: the online Beiras d’Água audiovisual repository pp. 90-108 (in Portuguese)
Vinicius Perez Dictoro, Frederico Yuri Hanai and Andre Monteiro Costa
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